Simple steps to help you complete your flood plan include:

  • Signing up to Flood Warnings Direct to receive free messages when flooding is possible in your area
  • Checking your insurance policy covers flooding
  • Knowing where and how to turn off your gas, electricity and water supplies. Mark them with coloured tape to remind you which one is which

Preparing a flood kit with essential emergency items:

  • Copies of your home insurance documents
  • A torch with spare batteries or a wind-up version
  • A wind-up or battery operated radio
  • Warm, waterproof clothing and blankets
  • A first aid kit and prescription medication
  • Bottled water and non perishable foods
  • Baby food and baby care items
  • A list of important contact numbers

Considering what things you would move first if you received a warning. Are there some things that would be worth keeping upstairs permanently.



These Factsheets are available to view online, download or print out.

Personal Flood Plan

A complete list of all items that should be in your Flood Plan. Make sure your prepared and NEVER wait until the last minute. > Click here to download

Business Flood Plan

Protect your people, your assets and your business. Make sure your prepared and Never wait until the last minute. > Click here to download

River and Sea Levels Online

Find out how the Environment Agency offer up to date information on River and Sea Levels. > Click here to download

Protect your Property

The key is to act so you’re prepared if there’s a flood in your area. > Click here to download

What to do

Before, during and after a flood. Practical advice on what to do to protect yourself and your property. > Click here to download

Know your Flood Warning Service

Information from the Environment Agency on their free flood warning service. > Click here to download

A flood plan allows you to keep information you will need in the event of a flood in one place. Once you have completed your flood plan, register it with the Environment Agency by calling Floodline on 0845 988 1188. Keep it in a safe place.